Füsun Eczacıbaşı

Füsun Eczacıbaşı
International Patron Award 2022
Füsun Eczacıbaşı is the founding chair of the board of SAHA Association, a Turkey-based not-for-profit organization founded to support visual artists, curators, and writers. SAHA seeks to improve the art professionals’ production and development environments, enhancing their interactions with international art institutions and networks.
In ten years, SAHA has supported more than 400 artists, curators and writers through art initiative projects in more than 170 non-profit institutions in 39 countries.
Founded in 2011 by nine founding members, SAHA believes in the importance of collective effort to create an independent “field” that helps integrate Turkey’s art into the universal art ecosystem. Therefore, SAHA offers its support to the visual arts through a participatory approach with its members, project partners and institutions involved.